Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Another thing...

I really need to start working intensively again. I tried to today and mostly failed. I hate that I spent a huge amount of time (relative to its usefulness) checking to see if NM had emailed.

Maybe it is time for another to-do list:
1. Figure out what things to bring to my interviews in Chicago.
2. Print them.
3. Particularly if it is included above, edit the friggin' Dean paper and be done with it.
4. Submit the Dean paper to the JoP.
5. Edit the theory paper.
6. Figure out a journal to submit it to.
7. Submit it.
8. Probably before #7, find out if my school assists with submission fees to journals.
9. Figure out how to cut in half the length of my job market paper.
10. Cut it.
11. Figure out where to submit it.
12. Submit it.
13. Write my syllabus for 602.
14. Write my syllabus for 607.
15. The above two steps require at least paging through the books assigned to the two classes: do it.
16. Plan and execute house-warming party.

That's all.


Blogger Megan said...

I'm sorta thinking about a blog in your thesis style, that is just a place for me to keep notes and follow themes for my Los Osos project. But, I also feel a little secretive about all the good stuff. I need to make more lists and move through them...

1:08 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

I was going to post this in a comment to your blog a while ago, but forgot... When writing my dissertation, I found blogging my to do lists and other declarations of intent enormously helpful. Somehow the act of publicly committing to do something made it easier to do.

It was also great to go back and read through the ups and downs...

6:34 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

The main reason I publicly announced the book was to make me follow through. I was afraid I would back away if public humiliation weren't the other option.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

Yes, public humiliation is such a useful tool!!

10:13 AM  

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