Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Here we go again

Man, ET just doesn't stop bugging me. So I saw an article today on SSRN written by a guy whose work I tend to like, LC. So I start to read it and see all sorts of references to ET. So I read more closely. It turns out that ET has finally gotten off his ass and submitted the paper that was the only surviving piece of the project from hell that we worked on together. (My dissertation is the other constructive result.)

Well, way back when, back when he was feeling all guilty about how I had been treated by ZVP et al (see this post for more), he offered me authorship on the paper, since some of my lit review had ended up in the paper. It was the typically confusing conversation that I tend to have with ET where I always walk away not really knowing what was said, but my impression was that I would have my name on the paper as 3rd author if I wanted it, and that we would revisit once it became relevant.

Well, according to the citation in this paper I saw today, the paper is being published as a sole author paper by ET. What is worse, LC's paper paraphrases some of the lit review from ET's paper, and those paraphrases sound awfully familiar, meaning that ET didn't cut that stuff out, meaning (maybe) that my work is still in "his" paper.

Now, I'm not sure what claim I have to authorship. There are definitely circles in which someone can do a heck of a lot more than a lit review and still not get an authorship credit, but man, he offered it to me! And I could use it. Worse, the second author on the paper did a hell of a lot of good technical work for ET and she sure as hell deserves authorship. So I don't know where he gets off getting sole author credit.

There may be extenuating circumstances, but geeze, that man bugs the shit out of me.


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