Sunday, September 10, 2006


Why do I feel so guilty?

I just worked in a reasoned paragraph pointing out the myriad of obvious logical flaws in ZVP's awarding winning article on audit quality. The reason I am discussing it is because it is an excellent and particularly clean example of the kind of problem that a lot of accounting research suffers from. And yet I feel like it is pulsing with some sort of neon vomit yellow-green color that all readers will see and say, ah-hah, this chick is spiteful and we should ignore all 236 pages of this dissertation because she is just making ad hominem attacks!

I do not like ZVP as a person. She has attacked my character (as a human being, not as a researcher) and taken some fairly extreme measures to make me look bad to my colleagues and to shut me up. She is a tenured professor doing this to a graduate student in a different field, at a different institution.

It is okay for me not to like her. It would be weird for me not to cite any of her work, since she has been a major researcher of issues related to my dissertation. I have a responsibility to science to discuss her work responsibly, which includes pointing out that it does not support the conclusions she says it supports (or, equally supports totally opposite conclusions). To say this is not an ad hominum attack. To say this is my job.

Why do I feel guilty?


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