Monday, October 16, 2006

Hard drive is dead

But their most recent back up was on the 11th. which isn't too bad, all things considered. Though some key equations were done post 11th.... But the real pain in the ass is that I will have to reload all my non-Microsoft software. Some of which I won't be able to do, since it requires FJ's disks, which are now in Vancouver with FJ...

But the big stuff is LaTeX and OpenOffice. Given that I am doing all of the same stuff on my new Mac, I might as well just not bother once the files are transferred to my own machine. I managed to download LaTeX (though it took a couple of hours) but it is finding bugs that didn't exist in my old compiler, so I get to waste a lot of hours figuring out what files and stuff I need to download to make it all work.



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