Monday, October 30, 2006

So can you have a bigger ego?

This is from a job announcement from the business school of my alma mater. I won't use its name here, because of my google paranoia, but it is that midwestern university that has had a stranglehold on the field of economics since mid-century:
Each candidate should submit ... the names of at least two scholars qualified and willing to evalulate the candidate's ability, training, and potential for research and teaching.... We will rely heavily on the advice of established scholars whose own records of accomplishment give deserved weight to their opinions. If you feel you are qualified to become a faculty member at #$!%#, please submit an application online....

The arrogance of the ad is staggering. But perhaps honest. Makes me not want to apply, except that being at this nameless university would be fuckin' amazing, and applying increases my chances of being hired to something marginally greater than zero....


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