Monday, May 14, 2007


No surprise, but I don't know how much longer this blog is for the world. I hope that I'll get back into the blogging habit, but it may be at a new site.

I have officially finished my semester at my current position. Thank God! It has been a very rough semester. Everything they say about first-time teaching is true. I felt like I was on a treadmill for 15 weeks that kept getting faster as I got stronger. There were rewards, but I am not yet in a position where I can appreciate them.

I have had a "boyfriend" in NM, though definitely of the sort of practice boyfriend with training wheels. It isn't fair to him to post the details, but suffice it to say, I am not in love, and it has been equal parts frustrating and nice to have him around.

In keeping with my life-long tradition of dramatic left turns, my next adventure is going to take place in Australia! I have a 3-year (renewable, extendable, etc etc) post-doc at a university in Sydney. In marked contrast to my current position, it seems just about perfect, albeit very very far away....

So my next 8 weeks or so are about reveling in free time, planning an international move, and saying goodbye to all that is American about America. I am sad in a lot of ways, though technology makes even being in the opposite hemisphere almost a non-event.

So do stay tuned for packing lists, quandries over which furniture to take and which to sell (did I say they are paying for everything to be moved??? I have achieved my goal of the next move being paid for by someone else!)


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