Friday, December 08, 2006

Always behind the times

I'm always behind in my blogging these days! I went shopping but didn't find anything I wanted, so I should try again today. I did make it to the yoga class though, and it was amazing. I stayed on for the second class and I am totally in love with this teacher! And really the whole experience. Yoga one block from the Capitol is different from yoga in Santa Monica. The room feels different, the conversation before and after is very different, and heck the teacher is a lawyer on the hill by day, yoga teacher by night! How cool is that?

I decided to postpone the party until after new years, which is a bummer, but way too many of the people I was most interested in seeing were not able to come and I had still not gotten any "yeses". Just too much social anxiety to be worth it. The postponement email was light enough that I don't feel like a total loser for sending it.... Oh well.

Now the task is to find some other way of starting to build a social network here. It would have been nice to kick it off with a party, since most of the people I know who live here I like but don't know whether they will be close friends or friendly acquaintances. I had sort of hoped to sniff out the landscape all at once. But that is okay. It will be harder this way, but for me in social situations, I should push myself to take the harder route.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Damn it.

I'm going shopping. See ya.

Oh yeah

Some more things:

I burnt my pinky and 4th fingers on my right hand (I am right handed) a while ago, with the pinky taking the brunt of it. And I seem to be scrapping it against every friggin' box, against the brick walls, against everything! It hurts! And it is kind of crusty and gross.

I'm hungry but haven't figured out shopping routines yet and would like to try to get off crisis eating mode. So I have basically stopped eating, which doesn't work very well. I also have a hard time remembering whether I have taken my meds which also affects blood sugar levels and therefore my moods and decision-making abilities.

I sent out invitations to a house warming party for this Saturday late last night. I have only gotten declines so far which makes me nervous that no one will come (that happened to me many years ago, and I don't think I have ever gotten over it.) I have gotten lots of nice invitations to do get together with the people who can't come at other times, which I suppose makes it all worth it.

Not to mention that if I'm not doing anything else, I need to be finishing the dregs of the unpacking.

Oh, and on the good news front, I got my first interview request in response to my job applications. Which was great for the ego, since I have been pretty pessimistic about the whole thing recenty, mostly for no good reason.

And I figured out where I want to try to publish my job market paper. Except that I still have to cut it close to in half if I want to be a reasonable article length. More things I should be doing....


All of the sudden, I am feeling overwhelmed. I've been doing fabulously well throughout the move, a little manic, but doing well. But for the last half hour or so, I've been paralyzed. I know there are too many things to do, all of which should be done right now.

I should have gone in to school this afternoon. I meant to, but after I talked with EK, I just had to take a little nap. I haven't gotten more than 6 hours a night for ages, and my bed was calling to me. Now it is sort of too late to go in if I want to try out this yoga class this evening at 6:15.

I really should go to yoga, it would feel so good. But it is a little far, and it is sooo cold outside (and inside too). I don't know the best way to get there: do I walk? Bike? I know I am being a wuss. Will I be miserably cold?

I really need to buy more clothes. I need more professional warm clothes so that I don't wear the same thing to work every day. I could go shopping. It is near by, by metro. And I could buy a SmarTrip card on the way, which would also be good to do. But it is cold outside, and I am cold. I also have spent so much money lately that it feels wrong to be spending still more. But I need clothes!

But I really should be doing job related stuff. I need to write about half the schools I applied to so that I can update my mailing address and slip in the fact that my paper was accepted at a conference.

And maybe more urgently, I need to prepare info for BK to use to call people on my behalf. But I have been avoiding that for some reason....

So instead, I blog.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


So much is happening! My mattress finally came, once Clarence, the store manager, came on the scene. But the boxspring won't fit up the stairs, so I get to wait for a split boxspring to come today. The mattress is delicious, however.

Today is Tuesday (it is hard for me to track the days right now). Yesterday, Monday, the movers arrived in the morning and unloaded everything. I stayed up until midnight last night unpacking feverishly. I'm not done, but getting quite close. The bugger of is all is that this place is too small/poorly laid out to fit my life. It is close, but it feels a little bit like a furniture showroom.

Sunday I painted all day long, until 2 am (there was about a 5 hour break between painting and unpacking). The purple, I am happy to say, is gone. Well, almost gone. I'd like to do the exterior doors too at some point. We (my parents came down for the weekend) decided to change the main wall color too downstairs from a dark cream/tan to a bright white, since the room is dark anyway. I managed to do a second coat everywhere, so at least I don't have to try to go back now that it is stuffed full of furniture.

Saturday, my parents were painting all day and I was babysitting HW for DW and SH. It was fun to be in a six year old's head for awhile, though I was sorry to not be here painting. HW doesn't quite get irony yet. You have to be making a really funny face while being ironic for her to understand that you don't mean what you are saying. Which meant that I was making a lot of funny faces, since it turns out that I mean very little of what I say. I will haave to meditate on that one for a while....

I have been avoiding the whole job search stuff, and haven't been putting in face time at my new school--very bad for reasons which I may go into later. I really need to start carving out significant chnks of time for that stuff!