I seem to have pulled myself out of my funk, more or less, with my mother's help. (I called her up and cried for awhile.) Engaging with the substance of my dissertation does cheer me up, thank god.
Did you know that WorldCom claimed its internet traffic was doubling every quarter? That is an annualized growth rate of 800% (UPDATE: errr, I was parrotting an article, but unless I'm smokin' crack, doubling every quarter is an exponential function, and therefore their annualized growth rate was 1600%, right?). In reality, the very fastest growing providers were experiencing 150% annual growth rate. But since everyone thought WorldCom was making out like gangbusters, they all thought broadband infrastructure development was a good deal. Remember the broadband bubble? The $1 trillion collapse? Blame it on WorldCom.
Did you know that in 2002, the AICPA (the professional organization of auditors) issued an updated standard that was shocking in its audacity: it
requires auditors to be skeptical of the executive management of their client companies. (There goes the golf games!) It also
requires auditors, including the engagement partner, to actually discuss how a client might be vulnerable to executive (and other) fraud. How long have auditors been in business? What
were they doing all these years?