Friday, January 05, 2007

Enjoy this moment

I'm in Chicago at the AEA meetings, and I had my first two interviews today. They went extremely well, and I am starting to believe that there may indeed be a payoff for all of the hard work I have been doing.

I mean, my interview with the top Bay area school with the $100K post-doc was not only good, it was fun! I am still wary of saying that I think I will make it to the next round, since I am sure the others they are interviewing are all strong candidates in their own right, but I could sort of see why I might make to the next round.

I am also so proud to say that I spent zero time in the interviews thinking about what my interviewers were thinking! That never happens.

Oh, and I'm feeling the much same way with NM... No idea where we are heading, but I am not spending much time thinking about what he thinks, and I am enjoying where we are now, because I love emailing random shit to him and knowing that someone out there cares for me in some undefined but real way.

My demons are still out there I am sure, but right now they are sulking in their caves, licking their wounds and pouting about the unfairness of it all.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I'm in one of those super manic moods this morning, which is great because I'm getting things done, but also exhausting! (Waking up 3 hours earlier than normal doesn't help...)

I have been feeling a wee bit depressed for awhile now, ever since I realized that I was probably only going to net the 3 interviews at ASSA. But at 5:30 this morning, a synapse fired that made me realize that the job application that I sent to the top Ivy B-School with the job description that sounds like it was written exactly for me is not dead yet, because the position wasn't for an economist (only) and wasn't advertised in JOE, so probably isn't being interviewed for at ASSA...

Hope is still alive, therefore. Hope is sometimes painful, but it is a good motivator.

Another list

This morning, I need to:

1. Figure out 401(k) and health care benefits.
2. Pay bills.
3. Figure out how to get to the airport tomorrow.
4. Figure out what I am going to pack (even if I don't put it into the suitcase yet).
5. Get started on the list from yesterday...

I did finally hear from NM last night. He was sick and in late... He offered the option of lunch today. I want to see him, but I am worried about getting everything done. I really want to see him though...

Update: 6. Check the new JOE. and 7. Check the APPAM job bank.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Love the new blogger!

One click blogging without changing the title and getting rid of the link....

Another thing...

I really need to start working intensively again. I tried to today and mostly failed. I hate that I spent a huge amount of time (relative to its usefulness) checking to see if NM had emailed.

Maybe it is time for another to-do list:
1. Figure out what things to bring to my interviews in Chicago.
2. Print them.
3. Particularly if it is included above, edit the friggin' Dean paper and be done with it.
4. Submit the Dean paper to the JoP.
5. Edit the theory paper.
6. Figure out a journal to submit it to.
7. Submit it.
8. Probably before #7, find out if my school assists with submission fees to journals.
9. Figure out how to cut in half the length of my job market paper.
10. Cut it.
11. Figure out where to submit it.
12. Submit it.
13. Write my syllabus for 602.
14. Write my syllabus for 607.
15. The above two steps require at least paging through the books assigned to the two classes: do it.
16. Plan and execute house-warming party.

That's all.

Happy new year

Sorry to be away for so long...didn't plan it that way. VS was here for a visit and had me doing all the tourist sorts of things, which are, of course, away from the computer.

I think things are still going well with NM, though we had tentative plans to have dinner tonight and I haven't heard from him... He is just getting back from Chicago, so I wouldn't be surprised if things got lost in the shuffle, but still...

I am going to Chicago early Thursday morning, so this was our only chance to see each other this week. I think this relationship is in my life to teach me romantic patience!!!

But then once I am back, at least both of us will be in the same town pretty consistently and we can get down to the business of figuring out whether we like each other.