Friday, September 01, 2006

Upping the stakes

So one of the things that JH proposed in his message to ET is that if he hadn't read my draft, he should wait and commit to reading my next draft and responding within a month. While JH was saying this I signalled that I thought it would take 2 weeks. But really, I've just been a lazy ass and I can do better than that. So I am committing here to do a full response to MS and JH's comments by September 11, which is one work week plus weekends.

Screws tightening a bit

Just sat in the office of my committee chair, JH, and listened to him leave a message on ET's phone. Also just got more information from the assistant dean about dropping a committee member. Everyone seems to be on board with the fact that ET is being really irresponsible and that I can cut ties with him if he continues to ignore all attempts of communication.

Feels good.


Just submitted expense reports for two trips in May. Will be very exciting to get a large check from this institution...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Rally time

I really need to get off my ass and start working on my dissertation. There is plenty to do even without ET's comments.

(P.S: Apparently, I am no longer in danger of being blown up by an accidental munitions dump)


"Unfortunately, we've had to curtail access to the parking garage temporarily. The police need to investigate whether munitions have been inadvertently brought into the garage in a vehicle."

Nice to know the people who work here are the types to be inadvertently transporting munitions!

My current strategy

So, like Megan said, I am trying to make ignoring me hard for ET. I just left another phone message. This is partly my problem, but I HATE being put in the position of nag/supplicant/kill-joy. I'll do a lot to avoid it. It is horrible, though, how the concept of standing up for myself and my needs has somehow morphed into being really really uncool. I feel like the geek who whines, "but you're supposed to follow the rules." Like be decent to the people you work with.

Then after I start feeling dorky and horrible about myself, I get angry and self-righteous. Neither of which are very nice feelings either. And not the sort of empowering kind of anger. The sort that makes me say things I shouldn't say that end up making me look bad and not ET or whoever.

And then I just want to curl up into a ball.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How do you solve a problem like ET?

So I sent him the below love note yesterday and just left a voice mail today. The last sign of life I have had from him was on June 28. June 28. Our two month anniversary of not communicating (or rather, his not responding to my attempts to communicate) passed two days ago. When is too much to take?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Too blunt?

This is what I just sent ET:

I'm back in LA and eager for feedback on my dissertation. Where are you in being able to give it? Also, would you please sign and return the prospectus signature sheet I sent you at the beginning of the summer? Everyone's honoraria is issued when I submit it to the office.


Tuesday wanderings

I'm suffering semi-debilitating PMS today (even worse yesterday). Or perhaps I should say DMS. But I am very low energy and all of my joints hurt. Not to mention the cramps. It sort of feels like the flu. I love my body! Last night I could hardly move I was so weak and in pain. Yuck.

I'm going to go home after lunch. I'm calling EK and then having AM (O?) and SO over for dinner, and need to shop and clean, so I figured I wouldn't bother coming back to the office. Which I still hate, despite my being away for over 3 weeks.

I am having a really hard time figuring out what to do with myself. I am holding out some hope that the coming home while hormones raging has something to do with my aimlessness, but I am not entirely convinced that it will all go away in a day or two.

I still haven't tried to contact ET, and I really really need to.

Monday, August 28, 2006

We finished!

CG and I actually finished our paper! She is mailing it tomorrow! She promised not to wake up in the middle of the night and realize she wants to revisit an issue!

Monday 9:14

I am starting to question my method of labeling posts by their time. It made sense (to me at least) when I was pushing frantically to finish. Now it just is a lack of imagination. Oh well.

I forgot to blog earlier that I won a bit of a reprieve on my office. The earliest I'll have to move out is September 14, and maybe even later. Much better from a work perspective, though now I really don't know what to do with myself!

I am supposed to meet with my chair today, though. Hopefully that will be motivating...