All in all, today is going well. I figured out (sort of) the whole question of opportunity costs in a talk with my dad last night, and, if we are right (which is a big if), then I also have the nice effect of having three different but equivalent ways of measuring the aggregate social cost of fraud! Not bad for a dumb ass ex-opera singer (blond soprano, too!).
This led to a light re-write of the chapter last night pointing out the fact that all of these disparate studies were actually measuring the SAME thing.
The today I was preparing to call ET (in case he actually answered--which he didn't--I wanted to not be left flat-footed) and I realized how to put in the optimal solution from the social perspective into my game theory section. I am currently at work on re-arranging things and writing the additional stuff.
It is nice to feel that I figured this out without help. It achieves three things:
1. Put in important theoretical observations.
2. Makes it look the way it is supposed to (and will make ET happier)
3. I am learning stuff about game theory, technical writing, and auditing.
I've been feeling on top of things enough to actually get my brakes repaired. I must go now and pick up the car. It will be nice to know that I can drive around without having to worry about killing myself or others...